WideWidths Coupons & Promo Codes

Do you have trouble finding knee high wide calf boots with a calf size that is large enough to fit your plus-size calf or athletic calf? Do you feel frustrated and embarrassed whenever you try on boots in the store and they won`t close on your calf? Many of you have probably been extremely discouraged by companies claiming to sell “wide calf” boots only to discover that they don`t even come close to zipping on you. Well, you`ve come to the right place! At WideWidths.com, EVERY boot comes in plus calf boot sizes and we are the only company that lists the calf size for every foot size and width to ensure the best possible fit. Since we know that many women have problems finding boots for large calves or boots for athletic calves, our mission is to bring the most new and exciting fashions each season to all of you, our loyal customers.